Here we have yet another hidden wave gem from the UK. This one was instantly catchy from the second I dropped the needle. After a couple rounds of chorus I assumed I'd gotten everything the song had to offer, but then it dropped a bit of female vox into the mix -- a pleasant surprise. The b-side isn't as upbeat, but a quality track indeed. Enjoy!
Track List:
A - Arecibo
B - A Changing Face
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Nice find, the more I listen to it the more I like it.
Thanks for this one.
where are you? you are coming back, aren't you??? i hope so!
I'm also worried about your whereabouts. Hope you're fine and can soon continue adding more treasures to this quality blog of yours.
hey! did we lost a friend?! Crispy we hope you're ok,you left without saying goodbye...please send us some signs,sometimes...anyway,thanks for all...but we miss you!...kissfrombelgium
Hey there Vanilla Face!
I have another request to keep your fantastic blog alive! How about Sub Muris' Honesty 7"?
Have been looking everywhere for this! Nice blog: it has made me very happy, as I am stuck in Thailand with little access to most sites.
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