I was going to say this could be the last compilation I'll ever post, but I thought I wouldn't do another after vol. 1, so who really knows! I don't want to sacrifice quality at any time in the series, so if these start to get lame, don't be afraid to tell me. That being said, this is one of my favorites of the bunch. Hope you'll agree.
Quite a bit of never released material this time, just over half I think. Don't have much time for commentary this morning, need to get to work! I'll be more than happy to answer any queries as best I can, later on. Enjoy!
Track List:
01 - Form - One Is One
02 - City 19 - Heart (Subtle Hints Mix)
03 - Fantasia - Pictures In My Mind
04 - Aaah...! - She Melts And Flows
05 - Final Program - Phase One
06 - Vienna - Six Pieds Sous Terre
07 - Kremlyn - Misterios En La Tierra
08 - Clä-Sick - Every Night
09 - The Trial - Sex Story
10 - Imago - Going Through The Motion
11 - Academie - Push Me Down
12 - First Aid - The Train
13 - Corps Diplomatique - Cnossos
14 - Artistic Control - So Long Love (Live in Studio)
15 - Endless Nostalgia - Dance Of The Pessimism