Well, there's really no rhyme or reason to this. It's just something I felt like doing. As you might have guessed, it's not an official release. Did the name give it away? I wasn't after any sort of cohesive structure or even smooth transition from track to track. Some of these bands are extremely obscure, and some of them I just really like. Either way, I think you'll dig it. I can't say whether the "Crispy Nuggets" series will continue or not, but I named it Vol. 1 in the event that I'm once again inspired to do this. I pulled a lot out of the UK for this, a few sprinkled in from various parts of Europe, and a few from North America. Do give it a try, and if I ever meant it before - enjoy!
Track List:
01 - All The Madmen - Living Is A Nightmare
02 - Mixed Feelings - Another Place (Like Home)
03 - Red Shift - This Is The Worst (Of Love)
04 - Incubated Sounds - Anne's Death
05 - Art Fact - Building
06 - Laugh Clown Laugh - Feel So Young
07 - Young Things West - Trans-Europa
08 - Negatives In Colour - Love Amongst The Buildings
09 - The Short Wave Mystery - Special Girl
10 - Tres - Break Your Body Down
11 - Games - Green Brigade
12 - Clair Instant - Le Bleu Des Choses
13 - Pas De Deux - Cardiocleptomanie
14 - Monty Cantsin - Blood & Gold
15 - Candide - Dreamers Never Talk