This is one of my personal favorites. A very obscure but brilliant band from Sweden, this 7" was the band's solo self-release. The band had written quite a few demos, but none of them ever made it to and official release (sadly). Their demos are amazing, btw. Stay tuned and one of them might pop up here... ;-)
As for this release, there are two solid synth-heavy tracks that I can't seem to get enough of... particularly "Operator", which may be fairly well-known by now. What a killer. Enjoy!
Track List:
A - Smile On My Face
B - Operator
I love this 7", I listen to the b-side practically every day.
hi, could you please share their demos?
great songs as usual, thanks for the amazing music you share!
nice one! thank you so much!!!
The flipside surely is the better track. The then 6-year-old "Funkytown" by Lipps Inc. was an obvious inspiration for this great song.
Thanks for this. 'Smile On My Face' is a catchy one.
Could you re-up this please?
Awesome record!
Adoro "Operator".
Sou gaúcho, mas essa música me lembra muito Natal. Passei uns dias lá com minha namorada e baixei uma série de músicas synthpop que eu não conhecia pelo wi-fi do hotel, ehehe. Essa foi uma delas. Hoje faz parte de várias músicas irão me acompanhar até o fim da vida.
Parabéns pelo blog!
I love "Operator".
I'm gaucho (from Brazilian South), but this song reminds me a lot of Natal (northeast). I spent a few days there with my girlfriend and downloaded a series of synthpop songs that I did not know about with the hotel wi-fi, ehehe. That was one of them. Today is part of several songs that will accompany me to the end of life.
Congratulations for the blog!
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